Chit Chat


90 percent of the time I work from my home office. I designed the space with items that inspire random outbursts of creativity like the wooden masks collected from trips to islands around the world, artistically framed photos I took while vacationing in Greece and a pin board full of verses, moments and newpaper clippings I adore. However, creating from the same space all the time can wilt my sense of wonderment, so ocassionally I take my writing outdoors or to one of my favorite cafes, like The Gypsy Den (pictured below). For all my readers who also like to move around to find your muse - where do you go to ponder the content for your next best-seller?

~ KD on 7.15.12


I recently received one of the most wonderful thank you gifts from aunt and cousins: a buttery yellow Kitchenaid Artisan Mixer.

It is gleaming and gloriuos, and I can't wait to use it in my kitchen. I've decided my first experience will be my grandmother's delectable donuts. I have never been much of a baker, but hope that this tool will motivate me to try harder. Does anyone have any tips or ideas on how to get the most out of my marvelous new mixer?

~ KD on 8.5.11

3.26.11 – KD responds to the Music Gurus:

I love music for many reasons, but I particularly love that its powerful impact generates such strong and vibrant opinions from its fans. Thank you for responding with those bands that I did not display on my 90s Playlist. I am still waiting for someone to ask me where Pearl Jam was?? (One of my favorite bands of all-time and the inspiration for my 90s gear - yes, I myself sported Dr. Martens' combat boots and a flannel shirt.) For your peace of mind, many if not all of the additional bands my readers named are on my 90s Playlist, but the 25 I shared "from my 90s Playlist" have brought me personal comfort and pleasure throughout the years. Keep the comments coming!


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  3. So glad you love your mixer! Bring some of Grandma's donuts home with you next time. If they turn out even half as well as the other things you make/do, they will be spectacular!
